We love the Enneagram! On this episode, we will dive into all things enneagram and beyond. Much of what we discuss comes from the book, "The Road Back to You" by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile. It's sure to make you think, laugh and dive into your own enneagram Journey. 2:00 84 Charring Crossing by Helene Hanff 6:00 The Road Back to You by Suzanne Stable and Ian Crohn 7:00 Enneagram types 9:00 Do’s and Do nots of the enneagram Do Read a book about the enneagram Don’t take a quiz Do discuss it with friends and family Don’t try to type other people Do learn about wings, arrows and subtypes Don’t compare yourself to other people of the same type Do follow enneagram instagram pages @enneagramandcoffee @enneagramashton 23:15 Discovering our own enneagram types 35:42 How the ennegram has helped us 39:00 Enneagram stereotypes at Book Club 57:25 Current Reading Situation Books mentioned in this episode:...